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Basic tab settings specifies rules to determine pages which can be used for data collecting. To clarify the concept, please check program algorithm.

Thus, Datacol will collect data (information) from certain webpage just in case, when webpage complies with following conditions:

1. Page URL matches at least one regex, specified in URL format setting (regex are specified one per string). If this setting is not defined, restriction is ignored (in this case only Page filter settings are significant for webpage data collecting suitability definition).

2. Page URL complies conditions of URL page filters:

a) Contains strings (or at least one of strings if Consider All option is OFF) specified in Must be present in URL setting.

b) Not contains strings (or at least one of strings if Consider All option is OFF) specified in Must be absent in URL setting.

3. Loaded webpage code complies with conditions of pagecode page filters:

а) Contains strings (or at least one of strings if Consider All option is OFF) specified in Must be present in pagecode setting.

b) Not contains strings (or at least one of strings if Consider All option is OFF) specified in Must be absent in pagecode setting.

For 2 and 3 paragraphs, if Regex option is ON, condition strings are processed as regexes. Thus URL (or pagecode) is checked for matching (or not matching) these regexes.

Test block is used to test specified URL data collecting. When Test button is pressed all campaign settings are immediately saved.

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