Development and payment scheme
1. The customer should provide us with the detailed and complete description of the task according to our Task Specification plan. WARNING! We perform EXACTLY and JUST what you described in your Task Specification.
2. The customer pays 30% of the total cost in advance.
3. When the task is completed, the customer is provided with the demo version to test. In demo version the specified functionality is clearly shown, but restricted by a certain parameter.
4. If the demo version works without any errors (except for small bugs), the customer pays 30% more.
5. The customer is provided with the full version of developed software. If any bugs have been found in the demo version, they should be fixed up to this moment.
6. The customer is testing the functionality within 2-5 days.
7. After testing period (if no bugs have been found) the customer pays the rest of the sum.
8. If any bugs will be found after the rest of the sum is paid, they can be fixed at extra charge only.
Notice. We offer to fulfill large and expensive projects on a phased basis. Every phase is accomplished according to the abovementioned scheme.