[tab name=”Общее описание”]
Translating the content via Google Translate
Datacol is able to translate the collected data via Google Translate. For this purpose it is necessary to install plugin D5Plugin_GoogleTranslate which can process the field value.
Therefore, you can parse any sources with Datacol, translate the collected data via Google Translate and publish it to any formats.
The plugin costs 15$. You can buy it now.
[tab name=”Testing”]
Testing the translation via Google Translate
To test the translation via Google Translate with Datacol you can use the trial settings, which parse posts on kolchaka.net and translate it via the trial version of D5Plugin_GoogleTranslateDemo. Follow the instructions:
1. Install the trial version of the Datacol program;
2. Open settings of processors/blog-parser-google-translate-processor.par in the campaign tree. Configure the plugin.
3. Choose the campaign in the tree and click Play.
[spoiler show=”Restrictions of the trial version” hide=”Restrictions of the trial version”]
Note that in the trial version the official site of Datacol is added to the field value. Moreover, the field value is cut in the trial version. You can notice it while testing the data collection.
To remove the link and switch the field value cutting off you can buy the full version of the plugin. To use the full version of the plugin it is necessary to import and connect it to the settings.
[tab name=”Import and connection”]
Plugin import and connection
Notice that this information is more suitable for the full version of the plugin (which you can buy). The trial version of the plugin is already imported and connected to processors/blog-parser-google-translate-processor.par in the Datacol trial version (since Datacol 5.50).
[spoiler show=”Plugin import to Datacol” hide=”Plugin import to Datacol”]
Plugin import to the program is described in details in the “Help” information (available in the program):
[spoiler show=”Plugin connection” hide=”Plugin connection”]
You need to connect D5Plugin_GoogleTranslate plugin as the plugin for processing the field value (to translate the found field value via Google Translate). The plugin can be connected to several data fields simultaneously.
[tab name=”Configuration”]
Plugin configuration
The plugin for translation the content via Google Translate is configured incorresponding settings. Notice that the plugin should be configured for every connected field.
To configure the plugin you need to assign following parameters:
- source – the original language (you can find designation of the necessary language on Google Translate service).
- dest – you can find designation of the necessary language on Google Translate service.
- tags-to-encode -the tag list (every tag in a new line) for codingin the process of translation.Tags will not be translated. Coding is necessary for keeping the structure of tags in the process of translation.
- use-proxy – the marker for switching off and on option of using a proxy while working with Google Translate. The marker can be assigned 1 or 0 value respectively. If the marker equals 1, the program uses the proxy from the list assigned in the configuration parameter proxies while working with Google Translate.
- proxy-random – the marker for switching off and on the random mode of choosing a proxy when working with Google Translate. The marker can be assigned 1 or 0 value respectively. If the marker equals 1, every next proxy is randomly chosen.
- proxies – the list of proxy servers (every server in a new line) for decreasing the opportunity of ban by Google Translate. A proxy can be assigned with or without authorization. They have following formats respectively:
Server: Port
Server: Port: Login:Password - attempts – number of repeated attempts of translation if previous attempt failed.
- max-per-request – – number of symbols that can be sent to Google Translate with one request. This parameter should be left by default.
Example of a configuration string: