Online store extractor is Datacol-based module, which implements automatic data collecting from certain online store, trading platform or your supplier website. Extracted data can be imported to your online store (PrestaShop, osCommerce, Magento, Opencart etc.) database, website and so on. In most cases data are saved to xlsx file.
1. Install Datacol trial version; 2. Choose demo.par in the campaign tree and click Start button to launch online store extractor campaign.
Click image to enlarge
Before launching demo.par you can adjust the Input data. Select the campaign in the campaign tree for this purpose. In this way you can setup links to online store categories you need to extract data from.
Please contact us if the online store extractor will not collect data after you have made changes to the Starting URL list.
Click image to enlarge
3. Wait for data extraction results to appear. When you see the first results, you can force running campaign to stop (click Stop button).
Click image to enlarge
4. After campaign is finished/stopped you can find demo.xlsx file in Documents folder.
[spoiler show=”What if the Internet store extractor is blocked (banned) by source website?” hide=”What if the Internet store extractor is blocked (banned) by source website?”]
If the source website blocks your IP-address (after blocking you will get no more extraction results), use proxy.
[tab name=”Data processing and Export”] Data processing options for information, collected by online store extractor: