The example of full size photo extraction with Bonanza scraper
We are going to show you how to setup full-size item photo extraction with bonanza scraper basic campaign.
[spoiler show=”Video scenario (if you need to read for better comprehension)” hide=”Video scenario (if you need to read for better comprehension)”]
Now we want to demonstrate how to setup full-size item photo scraping with bonanza extractor basic campaign.
Note that there is a link to full-size photo in the page code. You can check it with the help of Chrome browser.
Remember, if we wouldn`t have the photo link, downloading of a full-size image could be done with the help of browser scenario. It will be described in the video about the image extraction browser scenario.
So, we open bonanza extractor settings.
We add data field to save photo.
Turn on tag saving.
Turn on file downloading.
For convenience we choose Virtual path as a return value.
Now let’s test data collection without making any additional settings.
We can see empty photo field.
Let’s open the webpage source code loaded by Datacol in the selector.
We search for the link to the full-size image in the code.
Pay attention, ideally you need to find the link in a or img tag. In other words, if you found the link in several places, then choose the occurrence in a or img tag. Also it would be better if there is some unique class, id or any other attribute within the tag, so Datacol will be able to generate regular expression afterwards.
Extract ambient tag.
Generate regular expression for the whole tag extraction.
Now we transfer the generated regular expression to the campaign settings.
Save and start extraction.
You can see that the big photo is saved in the report.
Also you can find downloaded full size photos in the Pictures local folder, where they are saved by default.